SEO Search is about Keyword phases being seen by Google, MSN/Bing or Yahoo.
People will type in a natural guess sometimes before they try to search like for Dodge parts. The .com is the most common and highly sought after domain extension, followed by .net and .org.
SEO Search is also about words on the page. Wouldn’t you think that a 25 word page might not get the value of a 1250 word page. Spiders search the web to get you indexed so the more spider food you give them, to a point, the more they can see relevance in what you write
Another tidbit of SEO value is that I never submit to search engines. It is a little known fact that if you submit you are likely to get a lower ranking then if they find you. Just like in real life, the item someone offers you is never as desirable as the one you discovered.
Picture a target on the wall. If you know where the target is you can at least hit the target most every time you shoot at it. Now if someone blind folds you and spins you around and then asks you to hit the target you have little chance. It is the same with content on the page if you know what your clients are searching for you have a much better chance of getting them there with keyword phrases that match there interests.
Build it and they will come doesn’t work. You need to know about SEO Search

SEO Ranking is all about the algorithm. That’s right, there is a formula that Google isn’t sharing that can get you ranked at the top of Google for your search phrase.
The most important page is the Index.html or homepage. Google looks for you to provide what the rest of your site is about like an index in a book.
SEO Ranking is difficult when millions of pages are all trying to get the same value.
If you make a change in your page and then make another in a few days Google may not have even seen the first change you made that could have hurt or helped you.

Meta Tags like the description tag or keyword tag were once a great way to get ranking
on Google. People would “stuff” keywords in both tags and pop up to the top on Google but Google got wise to this and now gives no ranking value to either one of these and I don’t waste my time adding them on sites I build. Beware of other SEO firms that still give importance to these tags.
I have seen ranking done in two to three months and other sites have taken much longer to get them to the top. has been there for 7 years and gets millions of hits every month.
Patience and understanding the algorithm are the two things you need to get your site to the top. Contact us for a free consultation about SEO Ranking.
Meta Tags like the description tag or keyword tag were once a great way to get ranking
on Google. People would “stuff” keywords in both tags and pop up to the top on Google but Google got wise to this and now gives no ranking value to either one of these and I don’t waste my time adding them on sites I build. Beware of other SEO firms that still give importance to these tags.
I have seen ranking done in two to three months and other sites have taken much longer to get them to the top. has been there for 7 years and gets millions of hits every month.
Patience and understanding the algorithm are the two things you need to get your site to the top. Contact us for a free consultation about SEO Ranking.

Graphic Designer - a person who creates the look and feel of the website or graphic they are working with.
They can make a real difference of how compelling the project is they are working on.
Graphic Designer versus Web Designer SEO - The site designer is important but if no one is getting to the site the nicest looking site has no value. To build an SEO’d site you have to build it into the site. Having compelling graphics are great. Most web designers are minimalistic with text. That is limiting text in favor of beautiful graphics but Google reads text and can’t see the graphic. To make their creation come out just the way they want it graphic designer embed the text into the graphic making it useless for SEO. Just pull and hold your mouse button down and drag it across the page. If the text is highlighted its text if not it is a part of the graphic.
SEO Search is about Keyword phases being seen by Google, MSN/Bing or Yahoo.
People will type in a natural guess sometimes before they try to search like for Dodge parts. The .com is the most common and highly sought after domain extension, followed by .net and .org.
SEO Search is also about words on the page. Wouldn’t you think that a 25 word page might not get the value of a 1250 word page. Spiders search the web to get you indexed so the more spider food you give them, to a point, the more they can see relevance in what you write
Text in graphic not seen
Highlighted text seen
Text in Button
not seen
Flash- If you are building in flash so far Google doesn’t see flash. Google has recently worked on reading Flash but most web SEO designers stay away. I’ve seen cases where they use it as a header but keep the body open for text.
In summing up getting found by Google, Yahoo, and MSN/Bing can bring huge traffic to your website. If you don’t care about search engine traffic and drive traffic from word of mouth, print ads, and other media then look for the best Graphic Designer
Graphic Designer - a person who creates the look and feel of the website or graphic they are working with.
They can make a real difference of how compelling the project is they are working on.
Graphic Designer versus Web Designer SEO - The site designer is important but if no one is getting to the site the nicest looking site has no value. To build an SEO’d site you have to build it into the site. Having compelling graphics are great. Most web designers are minimalistic with text. That is limiting text in favor of beautiful graphics but Google reads text and can’t see the graphic. To make their creation come out just the way they want it graphic designer embed the text into the graphic making it useless for SEO. Just pull and hold your mouse button down and drag it across the page. If the text is highlighted its text if not it is a part of the graphic.
Graphic Designer - a person who creates the look and feel of the website or graphic they are working with.
They can make a real difference of how compelling the project is they are working on.
Graphic Designer versus Web Designer SEO - The site designer is important but if no one is getting to the site the nicest looking site has no value. To build an SEO’d site you have to build it into the site. Having compelling graphics are great. Most web designers are minimalistic with text. That is limiting text in favor of beautiful graphics but Google reads text and can’t see the graphic. To make their creation come out just the way they want it graphic designer embed the text into the graphic making it useless for SEO. Just pull and hold your mouse button down and drag it across the page. If the text is highlighted its text if not it is a part of the graphic.
Flash- If you are building in flash so far Google doesn’t see flash. Google has recently worked on reading Flash but most web SEO designers stay away. I’ve seen cases where they use it as a header but keep the body open for text.
In summing up getting found by Google, Yahoo, and MSN/Bing can bring huge traffic to your website. If you don’t care about search engine traffic and drive traffic from word of mouth, print ads, and other media then look for the best Graphic Designer